2 thoughts on “[情報] 竹北科大一期勢力範圍圖

  1. farsightness says:

    According to my view: 台科大一期與二期是近半年建商如火如荼推案ㄉ重要 地段 In fact : I think these places take the heavy responsibility for 竹北 ㄉ市容 ㄛ
    But : 科大二期 except中悅26F 一期ㄉ景泰藍 坤山 長昇青川之上 達利 惠昇 聚合發 等皆數超高樓層 數大便是美ㄛ I very expect really!
    版主回覆:(07/30/2010 06:10:12 PM)
    dear farsightness:
    i hope so.
